Please be sure that you are ready and willing to take on the commitment of a new Maine Coon cat. They require time, effort, care, and attention. We offer no refunds, so please take all things into consideration and be prepared to welcome a new family member into your home and into your family. I truly hope the love that I have poured into each and every kitten only continues to grow with you and fills you with many years of love and great joy!
We take every measure to ensure that each kitten is extremely healthy. At 8 weeks of age, they go through a veterinary health exam and once cleared and if there are no signs of anything but a strong healthy kitten, do we allow adoptions to take place. If you have a deposit down on a kitten and there is anything found, you will immediately be notified and allowed to make a decision to wait until whatever it is clears before adopting, adopting with the understanding that you will takeover care if it is very minor, or choose any other available kitten of your choice, at that time or over the next couple of years. I am very honest when it comes to any health issues. This is because the best situations for my kittens is my absolute top priority. Our cattery has a stellar reputation and we want to always maintain that. Because our breeding parents are fully genetically tested and because we quarantine any new cats until we are certain there is no health risks to others, chances of any health issues with our kittens is very, very rare. But like humans, colds, ear or sinus infections, and so forth can happen, especially during the stress of traveling and moving to a new home and family. Please know that we are always here to provide any advice and support you might possibly need, but once the adoption is final, the future care of your kitten is your responsibility. The only exception to this is if a genetic or pre-existing condition is found in the first three months after the adoption. In that situation, you could choose to return the kitten and choose another available kitten of your choice, then or over the next couple of years. This is why I suggest setting up your own vet appointment right away.
In addition, unless in the rare situation that we sell you breeding rights with the kitten, you are responsible to get your kitten fixed before 7 months of age and send paperwork verifying this to us. Their pedigree stipulates this so you would not be legally able to register or sell any kittens produced. We can and will sue for up to $10,000.00 if you fail to do this. Not only have we painstakingly developed our champion bloodlines and own those rights, but breeding can be very dangerous for the cats and un-nuetured male & female cats can develop horrible habits that don't ever go away (even after they are fixed later) such as aggression, spraying, not using litter boxes, not being as affectionate, and things like stud tail, low body weight and size, and dull fur and an unhealthy appearance due to all of their calories going to reproduction. We love our kittens very much and only want loving homes and families for them. This is non-negotiable as we are very firm on this stipulation.